Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Hospital drugged me up till I did not know what I was doing and then let me leave, only to try and kill 3 people.

Life is a struggle, most of us know that; however, sometimes living life has more to hand us than we can handle...such as the case with me. January 2011, I went to Sanford USD Medical Center in Sioux Falls S.D. after sustaining hits to the face/head/throat. AFTER I arrived at the hospital my throat began to swell shut and I was struggling to breath. The Dr. looks down my throat and sees bleeding, bruising, and swelling and tells me they have to intubate me to protect my airway [as my throat would likely continue to swell - shut possibly]. I hear him tell the nurse to get the emergency tracheotomy equipment on standby and other stuff was said. At this point I tell the Dr. he is scaring the shit out of me, and my anxiety level grows quickly. He tells me what is going on and that he doesn't mean to scare me and that they will take good care of me -- and a few seconds later I am unconscious...there was absolutely nothing explained to me about potential risks of sedation - NONE

The next thing I recalled [at the time] was waking up in a different hospital tied to a bed with no idea why I am tied up.

So what happen: I was sedated on an IV drip of propofol, fentanyl, and versed for a day and a half - even on a mechanical ventilator for most of it (from what i can tell by the 200 pages of hospital records.) When they took me off the ventilator and sedated me one last time, I began to flip out - demanding to leave. About an hour later I demand to leave again - pulling heart monitor equipment off me and such. The nurse explains to me how they have recently sedated me on medications [listed above] and that I can't make decision nor drive...and within a very short time they chase me down demanding I sign a piece of paper or they can't allow me to leave. Proof here they were worried about covering their butt more than making sure me - the patient was safe. Then they watch me get in my car and drive away - further showing not only did they not care about the patient risk; but now Sanford USD Medical Center is not concerned about the public's safety either, as they knowing knew a guy was getting behind the wheel and driving away when he should not be driving.

I left that hospital and drove less than a mile to pick-up a bottle of rum to go home and commit suicide, and later try to kill an 80 year old couple [after never hitting anyone in my whole life [but my little sister when we were kids like all kids do.] WHAT? yep that is what happen. Which was a complete contradiction to how I was feeling just hours before arriving at the hospital. This happen on a Saturday night, and the Thursday before I had just got around to filling out applications and meeting with potential employees after having recently graduated from Colorado Technical University with a Bachelors in Business Administration [graduating with a 'A'.] This night I was out celebrating my new step to a better life. NOTE: I was not drinking alcohol...I rarely drink (almost never.), I was just taking in the energy of the clubs, watching people and dancing some.

Okay, so I will admit I have an inhuman like quality of sensitivity and it get's me into trouble on occasion; mostly though I feel it has been a blessing and kept me safe as I can empathize with varying people and have learned to like most anyone. 

My life quote by Will Rogers: "I never met a man I didn't like."

So I was locked up in a mental institution for 3 weeks to undergo mental evaluation, and another 5 months before I was allowed to return home. For a couple of month all the newspapers reported that I assaulted an elderly couple with no mention of me being drugged up in the hospital prior to. I am not telling all the hell I went though...but is was awful what was done to me. I have not been able to sleep more than 3-5 hours at a time since it happen...now 18 months. Before this I slept very well 8-9 hours a night. The anxiety I am experiencing since this happen is like nothing I thought was possible, and it brought me to the point I had to stop treatment for my AIDS (I have been HIV+ since I would have been a senior in High School), because the stress I have been experiencing added to the side affects of the HIV meds, made it impossilbe to do both...so something had to give. I went from a T-cell almost at 1,000 to less than 200 6 months later -- NOW I AM FACING DEATH. Worse, I don't even want to fight to save my life. Why? do you know how difficult it is to get a job in the field of my degree with attmpted murder floating around on the web about one's self....it is a very intimidating journey ahead of me -- one I am not euiped to face alone.

No lawyer will help me. I have been told it is to complicated, not enough money in it, or simply not interested. I can't believe it..a hospital can drug you up to the point you don't know what you are doing, warn you about the inability to drive and make decision...and then turn around and let you leave. Everyday I am struck in disbelief that this can happen. And now I am going to die over it.